Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Busy Bee...

I feel like a busy bee today.  Running here and running there, but never forgetting to stop and enjoy my precious 6 MONTH OLD!  CAN YOU BELIEVE IT!?

Now that I work part time, I get a whole lot more face time during the day with my sweet Selah Grace.  She is such a joy to me.  She is sitting up, almost crawling, laughing up a storm, and chattering with anything that has a face.  I'm not sure how much she weighs now.  I'll find out when we go to the doctor soon.. but I know that she has put on a little weight.  She is starting to look more and more chunky.  It makes my heart happy.

Every day after work is our girl bonding time.  The couple of hours a day I get her all to myself.  I get to sit down with her, play, sing, and laugh with her.  Once I have fed and bathed her at night... she is ready for bed.  Literally.  She throws an absolute fit until I go and lay her down in her bed with her paci and rabbit.  It's awesome... My Mom really helped me get that routine down when she came to visit and she watched Selah during the day for me. I just lay her down in her bed... She looks up, smiles and me, and then lays her head down and closes her eyes.  What a champ!  She is still waking me up once a night to eat.... What can I say?  The girl loves to eat!  I don't blame her.

The afternoons are when I get to feed her, rock her, read her a book, play in floor with her, watch her crack up laughing while watching me try and cook new things for dinner... no really... she laughs at me. 

This next picture is a common occurrence during our afternoons together.  Yes, she is supposed to be napping when I hear little chuckles coming from the baby monitor.  I go upstairs to assess the situation and this is what I find...
My afternoons with Selah are often when I do disaster recovery before Andrew comes home.  I cook, pick up the house... yada yada yada.  Just so it can get messed up again. :) 

Now that she has reached the 6 month hump, Selah has really been chatting up a storm with every thing in sight lately.  Like I mentioned earlier... she usually talks to things that have a face...
One of my favorite things to do is to dress Selah each morning.  Opening her closet is like getting smacked in the face with a rainbow.  And.. she has enough hair bows to accessorize a small nation.
For real...
Here is one of Selah's favorite books... we read it before her afternoon nap.
And... since Selah doesn't have enough hair bows to accessorize a large nation.. I decided to make her some fabric flower bows as well.  I made a few for me so I guess that can be my excuse. 
Ginger has been feeling a bit jealous these days.  Lots of barking, and trying to get in between us and Selah.  We may have to take her to obedience school soon if she doesn't get her diva attitude under control.  But she is still cute.... I'll give her that.
GARDEN UPDATE:  My veggies and herbs are growing so great!  But the storms lately have been violating my flowers... I have lots of naked flowers.
Along with my busy bee-ness going on these days.. I hate to stop and do the dishes.  It annoys me.  I put this sign up in my kitchen to remind me to be joyful while doing the dishes... I'll let you know when it starts working.
Hooray!  My small potted plant (that I thought was dead) that I was given at our Women's Retreat has bloomed!  I may have a gift for bringing plants back from the dead. 
And this is probably the most exciting thing going on in my life right now...
I FOUND SELAH SOME JELLIES!!  OMGosh.  I am so excited.
I think these little shoes are the cutest things I have ever seen!

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