Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Our trip to Texas!

As Andrew ventured out of the country to Africa (blog post coming later about his trip) I decided to pack up the kids and have a little adventure ourselves.  One dog, two kids, & one pregnant mama... in the car for 12, I repeat, 12 hours in one day as we made our way to the great state of Texas to visit family!  After a few days in Dallas we made our way over to Abilene. It took us about 4 hours to get there but only around three to get back.  We spent a total of 31 hours traveling in the car within 7 days.  Besides being in the car we didn't really do a whole lot while we were there.. just rested and visited with all the grandparents.

Selah with Andrew's Mom - Zsa Zsa

Sterling with Andrew's Dad - Papa

Selah and Addison playing together

They love each other :)

splash pad a Honey and GPa's house

my Mom's shark shirt will forever crack me up.

Honey and Selah

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