Tuesday, May 25, 2010

It's a ____!

Well, ladies and gentlemen. Today has been quite interesting. It all started with my iPhone flat lining last night. Very sad. Thank goodness I keep a lot of my old stuff because I would have been without a phone today if I had not held onto my old phone. And trust me when I say that today was a day that I could not have gone without my phone!!

This morning was normal and simply uneventful. The clock struck 12pm and I was headed out of the office for lunch. I had to go to the bank and then stopped at sonic to grab a small slush... you know, the norm. Then it hit... PAIN!!

It all happened so fast that it is hard to remember every detail. I just remember pulling back up to work at 12:40pm, reaching across the seat to grab my purse, and kicking the door open with my opposite leg. It was like one fluid motion... once my foot hit the ground and as I then swung my body out of the car my legs gave out and this ENORMOUS pain engulfed the right side of my body! Toward the concrete/gravel parking lot my body went.

I work with about 40 women and one man, so I was instantly surrounded by squealing and squawking women. They helped me inside, propped my feet up, and forced me to call Andrew. I really didn't want to because I knew that this is what I would hear on the other line.. "What happened? Did you call the doctor? Do we HAVE to go to the emergency room?" My prediction was right and that was what I heard on the other line. Andrew happened to be on my side of town so he came to pick me up (after I threatened to stab him if he didn't) and we headed out to our hospital. Then I called the doctor. My doctor just happened to not be in the office today but my nurse was.

Sweet Jeannie answered the phone in the thickest southern Tennessee accent you have ever heard... "Terra honey, what's wrong baby?"

When I had my miscarriage, Jeannie called me every on the hour to make sure I was OK. She has a special place in my heart. But hearing that voice accompanied with my pain almost made me break down into tears.

I explained what was going on and she scheduled me an immediate ultrasound. Then it hit me... I was about to meet my baby. When we arrived, the ultrasound tech called me back. The same ultrasound tech that we saw the first time with our first little one.

To make an already long story short... The ultrasound was amazing. The pain subsided and the tech took an hour out of her day to show us our baby. There really are no words to explain the joy that filled that room. There was SO MUCH laughter... just like I always imagined it. Our baby is perfect. Perfect little heart, perfect little brain, 10 fingers, 10 toes, and a wicked smile. Our little mover and shaker smiled at us for a lot of the ultrasound. It was perfect.

So here I am to introduce you to our...


Little feet.

Her profile.

This is right before she flashes us a big smile.

Now she is hiding... she has quite the personality.

Still hiding...

And there's that big smile... How cute is she!!!! She is 11 ounces and SUPER active. I had to roll all over the ultrasound table to get her to cooperate.


Shana L. Edinger said...

She is just precious! It looks like she is going to have her mama's feisty personality! Congrats, we are so excited for you!

the peterson family said...

congrats!!! The pink "It's a _____!" gave it away!!!