Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Almost half way there!

I have officially hit my growth spurt. I know I am only half way there but I am really having to get used to this hard belly that is now getting big enough to get in the way of important tasks. I have a very short torso, arms, and fingers which are feeling shorter every day.

For example, this morning I had the cutest outfit picked out. The shoes that I had picked out were these little wedges with a buckle that wraps around my ankle. So cute and just perfect for the outfit... truly the cherry on top of the whipped cream (yum!). Anyways, I was fully dressed, hair done, jewelry on, teeth brushed and ready to go. I just needed to put on my shoes. Easy enough, right? WRONG! I wiggled, bent in 1 million different directions trying to reach my short arms to my ankles to buckle my shoes. (In case you were wondering, Andrew was out of town yesterday so he was not present to help me get my cute shoes buckled this morning.) Every time I would bend, not only do I have a basketball sized belly attached to me, but our little stinker would kick me. As if, he/she was saying, "hello... you're squishing me!!"

Ginger was even looking at me like I had lost my ever-lovin mind at the ways I was twisting my body around. Her ears would perk and her head would shift sideways when I would talk to my belly... "Just be patient with me! These shoes are so cute!!" If dogs could laugh... she would have been rolling.

I know what you are thinking. Did I ever get them buckled? Heck yes I did! I laid on the bed, sideways. Then I lifted my legs behind my body up toward my head (thank you Belton High School cheerleading program), reached back and buckled them. I felt like a gold medal Olympian when I accomplished my task. It only took me 15 minutes!

For all of you rolling your eyes at me, be careful.. they might get stuck that way :)

In other news, a week from Friday we are going to the doctor to find out the sex of the baby!

Andrew and I are getting a bit antsy to find out. I am so ready to be able to go and do some shopping and registering for our little one. The baby section in each store I go into is beckoning me. I have been very hesitant to get attached to any specific little girl stuff or little boy stuff because frankly, I just don't want to get my hopes up! No matter what I am having, I feel very blessed just to be having a baby.

So... I thought I would share some of my ideas with you. And remember, these are just some of our ideas. So don't call me freaking out with your opinions, OK?

First for our little boy we were thinking something along the lines of a cowboy nursery. I found some of the cutest baby bedding from the company "Small in the Saddle". I really like the Wild West Cowboy 9PC Crib Set.

We have also thought about doing airplanes since Andrew is in love with airplanes.

For a little girl, I have always loved the shabby chic look and even the clean and classy look with latte colors as well. Basically a combination of these three pictures...

It will be so much easier to finally decide on what we want when we know if we are going to have a girl or boy. I guess I am just going to have to contain my excitement for a little while longer!


Christina and Toby said...

Thanks for sharing your quest to put on your shoes! It made me laugh out loud, b/c I've been there! :) I remember those days! I could just picture it...and even funnier was your little dog Ginger staring at you! LOL!

Love what you've picked out for both a boy or a girl!

Jessica said...

OMG, I love all of the Baby room ideas! I can't wait to have my first little one to decorate for - I get anxious just looking at the room that will eventually be the nursery. No we're not pregnant... yet :) Oh, and I LOVE your shoe story! That is sooo gonna be me, lol. Miss you girl! TheMcKeeHome.blogspot.com
~ Jess ~

Stephen Powell said...

First of all, the title of this blog immediately reminded me of Livin on a Prayer in the chorus when he says "we're halfway there" and secondly for some reason when you said the stuff about having short appendages I thought of the T-rex in the movie Meet the Robinsons where it says "I have a big head and little arms." If this doesn't let you know that I'm probably crazy, I don't know what will hahaha Anyway, back to the topic at hand. I'm so excited that you're about to get to be a mother and the room designs are adorable. And the mental images you gave me in this story are quite priceless ROFL XD Glad to see you're doing well!